Monday, August 1, 2016

We made it!

Arrived here this morning around 10 am on the windy road from Loja. Our driver from Guadalupe who came to pick us up, Lauro, was chatty and informative.
Then we got here and started right in.
Between us, 14 pts with a multitude of problems, some acute and some chronic (hypertension, diabetes, GERD, mono) , old and young (5 months to 80+ years).
Some very straightforward; some a little challenging to understand--and I don't mean language, exactly, but trying to figure out the difference between what they are saying and what they really mean to say. All of them very nice and happy to see us. One man came on a bus-14 hours away; his daughter lives nearby. 
We even have an EMR. Ugh.
The sisters seem like a lively group. Curious and friendly. Clearly trying to fatten us up.
Nurse Amanda is terrific:)
Hasta ...
Danielle and Marc

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